Saturday 12 July 2014

Male and female infertility explained by infertility specialist.

Male and Female infertility explained by Dr. Sarabjeet , Infertility Specialist, Ridge IVF Centre, Delhi. While explaining infertility to male and female firstly, we examine both of them. We take their detailed history, for female we do basic hormonal investigation, ultrasound and some basic test. Then we test where problem is and then try to rectify it and ask them to try naturally, if it happens then its fine otherwise we suggest them for artificial method like IUI, IVF etc.

Explaining about these techniques is not very difficult as awareness has increased a lot about the same. People prefer to go to infertility specialist rather than going to a gyane. Earlier this was a general trend going to gynaecology for any problem but this has changed now. There are so many fertility centres available and people are aware for the same, so they prefer to go there for any kind of consultation.

People think that if they are opting for any artificial technique there are 100% chances to conceive but this a biggest myth. IVF or any other artificial technique just gives 40% chances to conceive. In case of failure it’s not that we can’t try again we do try again.

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