Thursday 13 June 2013

Female Infertility Treatment In North India

It is such bliss to bring forth a new life and give birth to your bundle of dreams. Giving birth not only imparts a sense being complete to a woman but it also gives her a new purpose and new aspirations in life. Suddenly she finds out that something in her life has shifted and she is not the same. Motherhood is perhaps the most beautiful thing that a woman can ever think of and the feeling of giving birth to a brand new human being can hardly be put in words. But, unfortunately all the women are not lucky enough to conceive and give birth to a baby which gives rise to numerous social, psychological and emotional problems. It is so painful to see women suffer in face of ruthless societal pressures. 

I have seen couples with infertility issues go to great lengths to seek treatment for infertility. While some women experience difficulty in conception there are others that might have clinically established pregnancies that end up in miscarriages. A study indicates that 10-25% of all clinically established pregnancies end up in a miscarriage, hard to digest but it is very true. I have come across women who suffer from one or the other of the above mentioned problems and are rendered as infertile.  

I must admit that it is amazing to notice how women put themselves through the risk and the stress of going for all the infertility treatments and continue to repeat the whole process time and again in case it fails. Although the fertility treatments only guarantees a success rate of 35-40% for women under age of 35, around 13% for women aged 41-42 and only 4% for the women over 42. Women are ready to go through all this for the awe of feeling a baby inside and of course for that glow that is associated with pregnancy.

One of my closest friends had to go through a terrible ordeal as she lost her babies in miscarriages, it was such a heartache that she had to go through. She would think that she was just close to giving birth to her baby when she would lose it. It was then that she went for a treatment and since she was suffering from a genetic abnormality, she was put on a treatment that involved using PGD in conjunction with an IVF cycle.  This treatment involves screening of embryos and only those embryos that are free of the genetic abnormality are transferred to the mother’s uterus. I used this example to make a point that however bad your case may look never give up on your desire to have a baby. All you have to do is to spend some time on the internet and gather some facts about your condition, do some more research and find some more resources about infertility treatment clinics in your vicinity and seek treatment for your condition.  

For More Detail Visit Ridge IVF Center

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