Thursday 21 March 2013

IVF Treatments - Give Birth To Your Own Child

Usually, worldwide it has been estimated that one in eight couples face problems during conceiving. Infertility can happen to both male and female. Infertility is basically a person’s inability to add to conception. Normal production happens when contact between male and female reproductive tracts occurs. Woman releases and discharges an egg from her ovaries which moves through her fallopian tube to her womb. Male produces sperm and the meeting of both egg and sperm happens in woman’s fallopian tube, where fertilization occurs.  Embryo then embeds itself for further development. Infertility happens when something in between doesn’t occurs. It can be possible that the problem can be with the man, or the woman, or with both. Problems can be many such as:   
  • Tubal causes
  • Ovulation problems
  • Sperm causes
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Age-related factors


After trying for 12 months, couple should consult their doctors or gynecologists for a recommendation to a fertility specialist. A series of tests are conducted on both male and female on the basis of which the type of infertility and a treatment plan to defeat the problem is decided. A physical examination is also done, which may include:
  • Blood Tests: a cycle of blood tests are done to check if there is a hormonal problem for the infertility which can be treated with the help of hormonal supplements. Other tests may include STD’s like HIV, Hepatitis B and C and rubella.
  • Ultrasound Examination:  an ultra sound is done to see how the ovaries and uterus look like. Doctor will check the growth of eggs, signs of ovarian cysts, presence of fibroids or the thickness of the lining of the uterus. He may also conduct surgical laparoscopy to find out blocked fallopian tubes or recognize endometriosis or blocked fallopian tubes.
  • Semen Analysis:  men will be asked to provide a sample of the semen which helps the specialist to evaluate the amount of sperms, how well they swim (known as 'motility') and the occurrence of sperm antibodies.

Advantages of Infertility Treatment

  • The chief advantage is that this method allows couples that are unproductive to have children
  • Accessibility of more useful therapies and healing options
  • Higher success rate of pregnancy
  • Reduction of social dishonor attached to infertility
  • The embryos can be stored, thus allowing their use at a later date

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